It's about quality, not about quantity

Redevelopment, Ashtead, Surrey

  • Client: Private Contractor
  • Category: Land Surveying
  • Status: In progress of redevelopment
  • Tags: Topographic Survey
  • Date: June 2018

This property is situated in Ashtead, Surrey. The existing building is built on a high gradient plot, with levels starting from 49.60 to 56.60 on a local datum.

Prior to demolition and planning the design for the new house and landscape the plot, we have provided a topographic plan showing the gradient of the plot. The contractor would use our plan to position the new building, calculate the floor levels taking in account the gradient of the slop to get to the most efficient result, estimate the cost and the time of the project. The topographic plan was provided in 3D and all the features on the plan have an individual elevation value.

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